Table of Contents – Forages Book 1

Section 1: Capturing Sunlight

  • Ruminant . . . . . . the marvel of the rumen, its main functions

Section 2: Grazing Techniques

  • Disconnected Height and Mass . . . . . . pastures contain pounds of forage, not inches
  • Opening a Door . . . . . . estimating the amount of forage in a pasture, available mass
  • Animals and Acres . . . . . . the forage growth curve, the 5-Day Rule
  • Regrowth . . . . . . protecting young regrowth, Principle #1: the 5-Day Rule
  • Principled Grazing . . . . . . Principles #2, #3, and #4 of good grazing
  • The Eyes Have It . . . . . . estimating forage mass, microwave ovens, a non-square square
  • The Wedge . . . . . . an important tool: the grazing wedge
  • Fuzzy Logic . . . . . . stocking rate, stocking density
  • Calculating Density . . . . . . how to use stocking density for grazing decisions
  • Cookie-Cutter Grazing . . . . . . differences: rotational grazing versus MIG, problems with the rotation in rotational grazing
  • Mobs and Other Types of Grazing . . . . . . ultra-high stocking densities, mob grazing, differences from MIG
  • Breakthrough! A Grazing Shorthand . . . . . . easy numerical method for describing a grazing system
  • How Many Sheep Does It Take . . .? . . . . . . Animal Units, what they really mean
  • It May Not Seem Like Much . . . . . . surprising effects of increasing forage yield or DM percentage by only 20%
  • Let’s Take a Walk . . . . . . pasture walk #1
  • Fields of Dreams . . . . . . pasture walk #2
  • Out onto the Grass . . . . . . pasture walk #3
  • Setting Things Up . . . . . . newcomer’s MIG #1, the big picture, forage inventory for the year, forage needs
  • The Next Steps . . . . . . newcomer’s MIG #2, soil types, renovation decisions, fencing, water
  • At the Gate . . . . . . starting MIG #1: first decisions, soil fertility, forage selection, ARG tip
  • The Electric Field . . . . . . starting MIG #2: fencing, water, minerals
  • Ready, Set, Graze . . . . . . starting MIG #3: grazing cells, when to move animals

Section 3: Soils, Soil Fertility, Fertilization

  • Cash and Carry . . . . . . soil nutrients lost in hay
  • The Real Cost of Hay . . . . . . making hay or buying hay, which is better when fertilizer prices are high?
  • Nutrients Lost, Hay Versus Lamb . . . . . . comparing the loss of soil nutrients in hay versus grazing
  • Sticker Shock . . . . . . nine options for coping with high fertilizer prices
  • Efficient Nitrogen . . . . . . managing the N cycle, tips for using N efficiently, fixing and recycling N
  • Fertilizing by the Numbers . . . . . . T-SUM 200 rule for nitrogen application
  • Like a Dance for Nitrogen . . . . . . how do bacteria invade legume roots, form nodules, fix nitrogen?
  • Fixing Things with Nitrogen . . . . . . diazotrophs, cyanobacteria, fixing nitrogen
  • Flying Blind, or Not . . . . . . soil tests: pH, Buffer Index, OM, CEC
  • The Dirt on Soil Tests . . . . . . soil tests: when & how to take soil samples
  • Well-Grounded Decisions . . . . . . soil tests: micronutrients, mixed pastures, soil series
  • Looking for Nitrogen Answers . . . . . . nitrogen fertility trial: goals, designing the on-farm experiment
  • How Much Nitrogen Is Too Much? . . . . . . nitrogen fertility trial: N treatments, experimental design, forage yields, ANR, NUE
  • Results: Our Nitrogen Trial . . . . . . nitrogen fertility trial: forage nutritional values, soil pH, residual N. Working together.
  • The Money Pit . . . . . . to renovate or not? What to plant? What to change?

Section 4: Forage Growth & Storage

  • Spring Flush . . . . . . grazing early in the spring, damage to pastures, options
  • Competition, Success, Pasture . . . . . . results of set-stocking, plant response
  • Saving for Summer . . . . . . on-farm forage trial: summer stockpiling of alternative forages
  • Dry Times, Stretching Feeds . . . . . . dry year, not enough feed, practical options
  • Hard Decisions . . . . . . drought strategies, reduce feed needs, add feed resources
  • Water Breakthroughs . . . . . . irrigation: pod-line systems, K-Line
  • Water, Water – Wouldn’t It Be Nice? . . . . . . irrigation: supplemental irrigation in wet climates, pod-line systems
  • Old Hay, Good Hay? . . . . . . hay: quality over time
  • Four Guys and a Barn Fire . . . . . . hay: heat-damage, the Maillard Reaction
  • Pickled Forage . . . . . . silage: the ensiling process, balage, the A.I.V. Method
  • Balage in a Pickle . . . . . . silage: balage, things that can go wrong

Section 5: Forage Quality

  • Keeping Score . . . . . . Relative Feed Value
  • A Quality Acronym . . . . . . Relative Forage Quality
  • The NDF Alphabet . . . . . . NDF adjustments, ash, starch, Maillard products, effective fiber
  • Fiber Digestion, Time, and Distance . . . . . . fiber digestibility, TTNDFD
  • Sticky Fiber and Feeding Minerals . . . . . . CEC effects of fiber in the GI tract, mineral availability
  • Growth without Clover . . . . . . nutritional quality of spring grass

Section 6: The Science & Business of Grazing

  • The Buck Stops Here . . . . . . decisions, we are all CEOs on our farms and ranches
  • Managing the Science of Grazing . . . . . . why good scientific studies on MIG systems are scarce
  • Two Cultures . . . . . . dichotomy between the scientists and the graziers who practice MIG
  • Deciding To Rent or Pass . . . . . . should you rent a field or not?
  • Not Horsing Around . . . . . . Kentucky bluegrass: why is it so valuable? To whom? A bigger picture.
  • Optimistically Speaking . . . . . . the business of converting sunlight into livestock through intensive grazing

Section 7: I Wonder . . .

  • Dinosaur Dreams . . . . . . the largest dinosaurs: anatomy, nutrition, fiber. Seriously.

Section 8: Intensively Managed Grazing Systems – A Textbook

  • Author’s Note & Acknowledgement
  • Intensively Managed Grazing Systems
  • Forage Growth
    • Measuring Pasture Mass
    • Other Techniques for Estimating Pasture Mass
    • Phases of Forage Growth
  • Types of Grazing Systems
    • Set-Stocking
    • Rotational Grazing
    • Management-Intensive Grazing (MIG)
  • The Grazing Wedge
  • Additional Things to Consider
    • Grazing Period
    • Stocking Density
    • Stocking Rate
    • Sacrifice Area
    • Dry Matter Intake
    • Water
    • Minerals
    • Fencing
    • Soil Fertility
    • Pasture Renovation
    • Multispecies Grazing
  • Selected References
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